Archives par mot-clé : South Asia

Workshop “Taking nature to the courtroom in South Asia”

Workshop organised in Edinburgh on 15-16 June 2017 by Daniela Berti (CNRS/CEH) and Tony Good (University of Edinburgh)

With the support of the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the University of Edinburgh, the Centre for Himayan Studies (CNRS/CEH) and the Centre for South Asian Studies (CEIAS)

The aim of this third workshop is to explore three contexts in which environmental issues, and the relationship between ecology and religion, come to the fore in contemporary South Asia : (i) development projects and territories of the gods ; (ii) protected areas and people’s rights ; and (iii) ’animal rights’ and religious reforms. Its distinctive focus, differentiating it from other work on development, environment or religion in South Asia, is on legal aspects of these issues, where possible on actual litigation in appellate and other courts.

Lieu : St Trinnean’s Room, Pollock Halls, Edinburgh
Thursday, 15 June

09.30-10.00 Introduction, Daniela Berti and Anthony Good

10.00-10.50 Domenico Amirante, University of Campania

The National Green Tribunal of India : a legal forum at the crossroads between science, environment and society

Discussant : Jamie Cross, University of Edinburgh

11.20-12.10 Sudha Vasan, University of Delhi

Green courts and the production of socio-ecological assemblages in India

Discussant : Jamie Cross

12.10-13.00 Anuj Bhuwania, South Asian University, New Delhi

On the ‘misuse’ of law in India : The case of anti-cow slaughter statutes

Discutant : Gilles Tarabout, CNRS/LESC

14.00-14.50 Rohit De, Yale

Cows and constitutionalism : from religious rites to economic rights

Discussant : Gilles Tarabout

14.50-15.40 Nayanika Mathur, University of Sussex, England
The government of crooked big cats in India, 1972-2017

Discussant : Heid Jerstad, University of Edinburgh

16.00-16.50 Diane Philiponet, Université de Toulouse – Jean-Jaurès

‘Monkeys come from the forest.’ State management of problems linked to monkeys in North Indian cities

Discussant : Heid Jerstad

16.50-17.30 Synthesising discussion : Sally Engle Merry (New York University)

Friday, 16 June

09.10-10.00 Anthony Good, University of Edinburgh

Animal sacrifice and the law in Tamil Nadu, South India

Discussant : Filippo Osella, University of Sussex

10.00-10.50 Daniela Berti, CNRS/CEH

Animal sacrifice under judicial scrutiny. Moral reforms and religious freedom in India

Discussant : Filippo Osella

11.20-12.10 Raphaël Voix, CNRS/CEIAS

Animal sacrifice in West Bengal ; practice, contestation and the state

Discussant : Véronique Bouillier, CNRS/CEIAS

12.10-13.00 Chiara Letizia, Université de Quebec, Montreal & Blandine Ripert, CNRS Paris/CSH Delhi

“Not in the name of religion.” A Supreme Court verdict on animal sacrifice in Nepal

Discussant : Véronique Bouillier

14.00-14.50 Joëlle Smadja, CNRS/CEH

A chronicle of law implementation in environmental conflicts : the case of Kaziranga National Park in Assam (North-East India)

Discussant : Tobias Kelly, University of Edinburgh

14.50-15.40 Kelly D. Alley & Tarini Mehta, Auburn University, USA

Draining activism : delay and persistence in India’s legal discourse

Discussant : Tobias Kelly

16.10-17.15 Synthesising discussion : K. Sivaramakrishnan, Yale

Workshop Timetable : workshop_timetable-2