Law and Property in Algeria. Anthropological perspectives, Edited by Yazid Ben Hounet.
Brill, Studies in the History and Society of The Maghrib 10.
Contributors are : Hichem Amichi, Emilie Barraud, Ammar Belhimer, Yazid Ben Hounet, Nejm Benessaiah, Sami Bouarfa, Tarik Dahou, Baudouin Dupret, Marcel Kuper, Judith
Scheele, Alice Wilson.
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laetitiaguerlain (23 février 2018). Law and Property in Algeria. Anthropological perspectives, Edited by Yazid Ben Hounet. Brill, Studies in the History and Society of The Maghrib 10. Law & Anthropology / Droit & Anthropologie. Consulté le 13 janvier 2025 à l’adresse