Please write to, if you are willing to register yourself, your research center or your teachings in our online legal anthropology directory ( Please precise your identity, your institution, your official functions, the cultural area you are specialized into, and your research fields. You may also mention a link to a personal website.
Pour figurer dans l’annuaire, merci d’envoyer votre demande à l’adresse suivante :, en précisant votre nom, votre prénom, votre institution de rattachement, vos fonctions, l’aire culturelle de vos recherches ainsi que vos domaines de recherche. Vous pouvez également signaler un lien vers votre page personnelle.
Frédéric AUDREN Institution : CNRS - École de droit de Sciences Po (EA4461) Position : Directeur de recherche au CNRS - Directeur scientifique de l'École de droit de Sciences Po Research Areas : Europe Fields of interest : Histoire de l'anthropologie juridique; anthropologie des savoirs juridiques Personal website :
Nadia BELAIDI Institution : CNRS Position : Chargée de recherche CNRS Research area : Afrique australe Fields of interest : Anthropologie du droit de l'environnement ; Processus de socialisation par la nature ; ordre public écologique. Personal website :
Yazid BEN HOUNET Institution : CNRS - Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale (UMR 7130) Position : Chargé de recherche au CNRS Research Areas : Afrique du Nord Fields of interest : Anthropologie du droit et du politique - Anthropologie comparative des sociétés musulmanes - Crime, Conflit, ré-Conciliation - Parenté et Parentalité. Personal website :
Daniela BERTI Institution : CNRS, Centre for Himalayan Studies Position : Chargée de recherche, CNRS Research area : India, Himalayas Fields of interest : ethnography of judiciary practices; court cases on issues related to religion, nature, and animal rights Personal website:
Christiane BESNIER Institution : Université Paris Nanterre - Centre d'histoire et d'anthropologie du droit (CHAD) Position : Rédacteur en chef de la revue Droit et Cultures Research Areas : Europe, Amérique Fields of interest : anthropologie du droit, pratiques judiciaires, justice criminelle Personal website :
Judith BEYER Institution : University of Konstanz, Dept. of History and Sociology Position : Professor Research Areas : Central Asia, Myanmar Fields of interest : Legal and Political Anthropology, Legal Pluralism Personal website : Twitter: judith beyer
Sandrine BRACHOTTE Institution : Sciences Po, Paris, School of Law Position : Phd Candidate ; visiting researcher at University of Toronto, Faculty of Law (2017-2018) Cultural Area : Europe, Canada Fields of interest : Critical anthropology and sociology of law, Conflicts of law as a constitutional technique in globalisation, Law, religion and the global economic rationality Personal website :
Eddie BRUCE-JONES Institution: Birkbeck College, University of London Position: Senior Lecturer and Assistant Dean (Recruitment) Research areas: Europe (esp. Germany), India, Jamaica, North America Fields of interest : Anthropology of Law, Critical Approaches to Human Rights, Race, Queer Theory, Law and Literature, Policing, Colonial Histories of Slavery and Indenture Personal website:
John R CAMPBELL Institution: Department of Anthropology & Sociology, School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), London Position: Reader in the Anthropology of Law and Africa Research areas: West, East and Northeast Africa ; the United Kingdom Fields of interest: Development, Refugees, anthropology of law; criminal law; magistrates’ courts. Website:
Aldo Andrea CASSI Institution : University of Brescia (law department) Position : Professor (Professere Ordinario) Research Areas : Latin America Fields of interest : legal anthropology of violence, war (bellum custom, holy wars), and Conquista Personal website :
Emilie CLOATRE Institution: University of Kent Position : reader in law Research Areas: Europe/Africa Fields of interest: Legal and Medical Anthropology; Law, Science and Society; Law and Medical Knowledges. Personal website:,_Emilie.html
Baudouin DUPRET Institution : Centre d'étude des mouvements sociaux, Institut Marcel Mauss (UMR8178 CNRS/EHESS) Position : Directeur de recherche CNRS Research Areas : mondes arabes Fields of interest : anthropologique de la norme et du droit; ethnométhodologie et analyse de conversation ; sociologie praxéologique Personal website :
Institution : CNRS-Institut des Mondes Africains (UMR 8171)
Position : Chargée de recherche au CNRS
Research Areas : Europe, Afrique
Fields of interest : Histoire des usages juridiques de l'anthropologie
Personal website :
Marie-Claire FOBLETS Institution : Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department 'Law & Anthropology' (Halle/Saale, Germany) Position : Professor & Director Research Areas : Europe ; Maghreb Research Interests : Social anthropological analysis and legal practice, European migration and asylum policy, transnational citizenship and human rights protection, international family law Personal website :
Albane GESLIN Institution : Sciences Po Aix – UMR DICE-CERIC Position : Professeur de droit public Fields of interest : droit international des peuples autochtones, droit international de la reconnaissance, anthropologie juridique. Personal website :
Institution : Université de Bordeaux - Centre Aquitain d'histoire du droit
Position : assistant professor of legal history
Research Areas : Europe
Fields of interest : history of legal anthropology
Personal website :
Mahmoud JARABA
Institutions : Erlangen Center for Islam and Law (EZIRE) and Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Halle, Germany)
Position : Research fellow
Research Areas : Europe (esp. Germany), MENA region (esp. Egypt, Turkey, Palestine and Israel)
Fields of interest : Legal anthropology, legal pluralism, multiculturalism, cultural minorities, customary norms and regulations, informal practices of Islamic normativity in Germany, political Islam/Islamism, Jihadism
Personal website :
Tobias KELLY Position : Professor of Political and Legal Anthropology Institution : University of Edinburgh Research Areas : Israel/Palestine, UK, United Nations Fields of interest : human rights, war and peace, and political and legal anthropology Personal Website :
Oona LE MEUR Institution : École de droit de Sciences Po Position : Doctorante Research Areas : Pacifique Fields of interest : Anthropologie juridique Personal website :
Tim LUBIN Institution : Washington and Lee University Position : Professor and Chair of the Department of Religion, Adjunct Professor of Law, and Chair of Middle East and South Asia Studies Research Areas : South and Southeast Asia Fields of interest : legal history in ancient and medieval India and Indonesia, Sanskrit legal literature, comparative ancient law, comparative legal theory Personal website :
Institution : Law School of Milan University
Position : associate professor of Legal Anthropology and Sociology of Law
Research Areas : Europe
Fields of interest : Legal Anthropology, Sociology of Law, Legal/Normative Pluralism, Rights in Multicultural Society.
Personal website :
Institution : Centro de Investigaciones Sociojurídicas, Universidad del Atlántico. Colombie
Position : enseignant-chercheur (anthropologie juridique)
Research Areas : Amérique latine
Fields of interest : Théorie et methodologies de l'étude du
Droit; droit, environnement et société; droits des peuples indigènes.
Personal website :
Eugénie MERIEAU Institution : Institute for Global Law & Policy (IGLP, Harvard Law School) / Centre for Asian Legal Studies (CALS, National University of Singapore) à partir de février 2020 Position : Postdoctorante Research Areas : Thaïlande, Asie du Sud-Est, Asie orientale Fields of interest : Anthropologie du droit et du politique - Droit constitutionnel - Théorie du droit - Philosophie politique. Personal website : Shirin NAEF Institution: University of Zurich, Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (ISEK) Position: Associate researcher; research fellow (2018-2019), The Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities "Law as Culture", University of Bonn, Germany (Subject: “Economy, Law and Religion: A study of Shia philanthropy in Iran”) Research Areas: Iran, Europe (in particular German-speaking countries) Fields of interest: Legal anthropology, bioethics, religion, economics, morality, kinship, Shia Islam, anthropological approaches to Shia jurisprudence (fiqh) and theology Personal website:
Fernanda PIRIE
Institution : Center for socio-legal studies, Oxford
Position : Professor of the Anthropology of Law
Research Areas : Asia
Fields of interest : Anthropology of law; Tibetan law and legal practices; Legalism; The English Bar
Personal website :
Institution : Department of Law, London School of Economics (LSE)
Fonction : Professor
Aire culturelle : Europe
Domaines de recherche : law and anthropology, social theory, intellectual property
Page personnelle:
Institution : Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Anthropologie du Contemporain – LAIOS / École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Position : chargée de recherche CNRS
Research Areas : Europe
Fields of interest : anthropologie de la mafia, anthropologie de la justice, responsabilité
Personal website :
Patrizia RESTA Institution : University of Foggia - Department f Humanities Position : Full Professor of Cultural Anthropology Research Areas : Italy - Europe Fields of interest : Legal Anthropology, Blood Feud and Vengeance, Migrations studies, Kinship Personal Website :
Institution : Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
Position : Alexander von Humboldt Fellow
Research Areas : Afrique du Nord / Sahara
Fields of interest : Anthropologie sociale
Personal website :
Francesca SCIONTI
Institution : University of Foggia - Department of Humanities
Position : assistant professor of cultural anthropology
Research Areas : Italy, Europe, South America
Fields of interest : legal anthropology, political anthropology, blood feud and vengeance, legal pluralism, indigenous right, indigenous justice, latin american new constitutionalism
Ido SHAHAR Institution : Department of Middle Eastern History, University of Haifa Position: Senior lecturer Research Areas : the Middle East, and specifically Palestine/Israel Fields of interest: Anthropology of law, legal pluralism, Islamic law, Sulha practices, Palestinian society in Israel Personal website :
Maria Sole TESTUZZA Institution : Università degli Studi di Firenze Fonction : Post-doc Aire culturelle : Europe Domaines de recherche : Anthropologie historique du droit Page personnelle:
Barbara TRUFFIN Institution : Centre d’histoire du droit et d’anthropologie juridique, Faculté de droit et de criminologie de l’Université libre de Bruxelles Position : Professeur Research Areas : Amérique latine ; Europe Fields of interest : droits autochtones, pratiques judiciaires Personal website :
Kaius TUORI Institution : University of Helsinki Position : Associate professeur of European intellectual history Research Areas : Europe and its encounter with the other, history of legal anthropology, legal pluralism Fields of interest : Europe and its encounter with the other, history of legal anthropology, legal pluralism Personal website :
Steven WILF Institution : Law School, University of Connecticut Position : Director of the Intellectual Property and Information Governance Program, Anthony J. Smits Professor of Global Commerce Research Areas : Legal History, Intellectual Property Law (US) Fields of interest : History of Legal Anthropology, History of Intellectual Property Law, Legal History Methodology Personal website :
Thanos ZARTALOUDIS Institution : Kent Law School (University of Kent) Position : Reader in Legal Theory and History Research Areas : Europe Fields of interest : history, legal thought, social theory, anthropology Personal website :,_Thanos.html