Book : Cultural Legal Studies

Cultural Legal Studies

Law’s Popular Cultures and the Metamorphosis of Law

Cassandra Sharp, Marett Leiboff (ed.)

Routledge, 2017


Cultural Legal Studies: Law's Popular Cultures and the Metamorphosis of Law (Paperback) book cover



What can law’s popular cultures do for law, as a constitutive and interrogative critical practice?  This collection explores such a question through the lens of the ‘cultural legal studies’ movement, which proffers a new encounter with the ‘cultural turn’ in law and legal theory.  Moving beyond the ‘law ands’ (literature, humanities, culture, film, visual and aesthetics) on which it is based, this book demonstrates how the techniques and practices of cultural legal studies can be used to metamorphose law and the legalities that underpin its popular imaginary. By drawing on three different modes of cultural legal studies – storytelling, technology and jurisprudence – the collection showcases the intersectional practices of cultural legal studies, and law in its popular cultural mode.

The contributors to the collection deploy differentiated modes of cultural legal studies practice, adopting diverse philosophical, disciplinary, methodological and theoretical approaches and subjects of examination. The collection draws on this mix of diversity and homogeneity to thread together its overarching theme: that we must take seriously an interrogation of law as culture and in its cultural form. That is, it does not ask how a text ‘represents’ law; but rather how the representational nature of both law and culture intersect so that the ‘juridical’ become visible in various cultural manifestations. In short, it asks: how law’s popular cultures actively effect the metamorphosis of law.

Table of Contents

PART I: Cultural Legal Studies – The Urgency of Method and Story 1. Cultural Legal Studies and Law’s Popular Cultures, Marett Leiboff & Cassandra Sharp 2. Cultural Legal Studies as Law’s Extroversion, Marett Leiboff 3. Finding Stories of Justice in the Art of Conversation: Ethnography in Cultural Legal Studies, Cassandra Sharp PART II: Cultural Legal Studies as Legal Storytelling 4. Interventions into the Feeling of Popular Justice: Australia’s Stolen Generations, the Problem of Sentimentality, and Re-Encountering the Testimonial Form, Honni Van Rijswijk 5. Border Crossings: The Transnational Career of the Television Crime Drama, Sue Turnbull 6. Theatre and the Law in the 21st Century, Peter Robson PART III: Law’s Technologies and Cultural Legal Studies 7. Picturing Justice in a Fraught Legal Arena: Fetus, Phantoms and Mandatory Ultrasounds, Jessica Silbey 8. Peeping: Open Justice and Law’s Voyeurs, Katherine Biber 9. Irony as Method: Reframing Photographs in Cultural Legal Studies, Karen Crawley 10. Bodies, Cinema, Sovereignty: Using Visual Culture Methodologies to Think About Other Ways that Law Might Work, Kirsty Duncanson PART IV: Cultural Legal Studies as Jurisprudence 11. Popular Culture’s Lex Vampirica: The Law of the Undead in True Blood, the Twilight Sagaand The Passage, William Macneil 12. Reading the Law Made Strange: Cultural Legal Studies, Theology and Speculative Fiction, Timothy D Peters 13. Republicanism Meets (Dystopian) Faërie: Harry Potter and the Institutional Disaster, Luis Gómez Romero

About the Editors

Cassandra Sharp‘s research draws on a range of disciplinary methods to empirically explore individual responses to law. Her focus is the use of popular stories by individuals in challenging and constructing legal meaning and identity. She is a member of the Legal Intersections Research Centre (LIRC) at the University of Wollongong, Australia.

Marett Leiboff is a cultural legal studies and law and humanities scholar who is working on a monograph that explores theatrical jurisprudence. Her scholarship is grounded in her pre-law background in academic theatre studies. Marett is a member of the Legal Intersections Research Centre, University of Wollongong, Australia.

Séminaire Anthropologie des processus de citoyenneté

Séminaire Anthropologie des processus de citoyenneté (2017 – 2018)

Catherine Neveu, directrice de recherche au CNRS (TH) (IIAC/Ehess)
Maxime Vanhoenacker, chargé de recherche au CNRS (IIAC/Ehess)

1er, 3e et 5e jeudis du mois de 15 h à 18 h (salle AS1_23, 54 bd Raspail 75006 Paris), du 18
janvier 2018 au 5 avril 2018

Il s’agira dans ce séminaire de poursuivre l’exploration entamée en 2016-2017 des apports de l’anthropologie politique du contemporain tant à la saisie empirique des processus de citoyenneté qu’à un retour critique sur les théorisations dont elle fait l’objet. Les pratiques et représentations de la citoyenneté sont relativement sous étudiées dans l’anthropologie politique française, alors qu’elle fait l’objet de nombreux travaux dans le monde. Outre l’exploration de ces travaux parfois méconnus, ce séminaire sera consacré à la mise en discussion de recherches pluridiciplinaires portant sur différents espaces de pratiques citoyennes, notamment celles visant un renouvellement de l’éthos démocratique et de l’émancipation. Une place spécifique sera accordée également aux enjeux d’une recherche qui soit elle-même « citoyenne ».

Mots clés : Anthropologie sociale, Citoyenneté, Mobilisation(s), Politiques publiques, Sociologie politique,

Programme synthétique du séminaire 2017-2018

Programme prog_seminaire_2018

=> 18/01/18 – Séance 1 : Qu’estce qui est appelé « citoyenneté » ? Comment saisir empiriquement cette notion ? Introduction générale du séminaire. Catherine Neveu (CNRS IIAC/ Ehess) et Maxime Vanhoenacker (CNRS IIAC/ Ehess)

=> 01/02/18 – Séance 2 : « Un citoyen responsable, une ville responsable ». La participation, un nouveau mot d’ordre de la République Islamique d’Iran ? Sahar Saeidnia (Postdoctorante Gerda HenkelIremam, Docteure en sociologie associée à l’IrisEHESS)

=> 15/02/18 – Séance 3 : projection documentaire, à confirmer

=> 01/03/18 – Séance 4 : L’afroféminisme, une politique du sensible ? Du vécu des rapports de pouvoir à leur politisation dans le parcours de femmes afrodescendantes. Silyane Larcher (CNRSUrmis, politiste)

=> 15/03/18 – séance 5 : Le fardeau de l’apprentissage de la citoyenneté dans les activités de jeunesse ? Maxime Vanhoenacker (CNRSIIAC/ Ehess, anthropologie)

=> 29/03/18 – Séance 6 : Politiser l’éducation populaire, un « réenchantement » ? Emannuel Porte (INJEP) et Emmanuel de Lescure (MCF Sciences de l’éducation Université Paris V, CERLIS)

=> 05/04/18 – séance 7 : Pouvoirs d’agir dans les quartiers populaires : pour une sociologie de la citoyenneté au croisement de l’ordinaire, du mouvement social et des institutions. A propos d’une enquête à Villepinte et Montréal Nord. Marion Carrel (MCF Sociologie Université Lille, CeRIES)

=> 24/05/18 – séance 8 : Présentation des travaux de validation des étudiants (exposés) et discussion générale


BOOK : Oikonomia, Divorce and Remarriage in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition, by Kevin SCHEMBRI

Title: Oikonomia, Divorce and Remarriage in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition

Author: Kevin SCHEMBRI

Publisher: Orientalia Christiana & Valore Italiano

Series: Kanonika (vol. 23)

Year: 2017

About the book:

How do the Eastern Orthodox Churches understand the mystery of marriage? On what grounds do these Churches concede ecclesiastical divorce and tolerate a new marriage? What is oikonomia and how is it invoked in the Orthodox East? Is the Orthodox position compatible with the Catholic approach to the indissolubility of marriage? Over the last decades, these questions were the subject of numerous studies. This volume builds on this research and attempts to offer a comprehensive systematic answer to these questions. By doing so, it adds to the already rich tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, and presents the Western Churches with a valuable resource in their pursuit of ecumenical dialogue, in their dealing with the ever-growing reality of mixed marriages, and in their ministry to the divorced and remarried members of their faithful. Published as volume 23 in the series Kanonika, this study forms part of the various projects launched by the Pontifical Oriental Institute during its centenary celebrations.

About the author:

Kevin Schembri is a lecturer in canon law and coordinator of two master programmes at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Malta. He holds a licentiate in sacred theology from that university, and a licentiate and doctorate in canon law (with specialisation in canonical jurisprudence) from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He is a Catholic priest and serves as promoter of justice and defender of the bond for the Archdiocese of Malta.

For more info:

Call for papers : Commission on Legal Pluralism. Conference Ninth Multidisciplinary Network of Researchers on Indigenous Peoples, EMPI IX

Call for Papers – Conference Ninth Multidisciplinary Network of Researchers on Indigenous Peoples, EMPI IX

Dear colleagues,

This Call for Papers be interesting for some of you: International Conference Ninth Multidisciplinary Meeting on Indigenous Peoples (EMPI IX) “Territories in dispute: epistemologies, resistances, spiritualities and rights”. University College Roosevelt, Utrecht University Middelburg, the Netherlands, 30/31 May – 1 June 2018.

Paper proposals (max. 300 words) in English or Spanish should be submitted by email at up to the end of April 2018.

For detailed information, see the call for papers attached to this email.

EMPI IX Circular English

Book : Le chemin, le geste et la parole. De la norme autochtone au droit coutumier kanak, by Régis Lafargue


Parution : 12/2017
Editeur : Dalloz
ISBN : 978-2-2471-7177-4
Site de l’éditeur

Présentation de l’éditeur

Ce livre traite de façon complète et inédite du statut coutumier kanak en Nouvelle-Calédonie et expose le passage de la normativité autochtone à ce droit coutumier kanak, élaboré par des juridictions biculturelles à partir de coutumes autochtones.

Il présente tout d’abord la façon dont se construit ce statut personnel, l’organisation et le régime des terres, puis l’organisation familiale avec l’énoncé des devoirs qui incombent aux divers membres de cette société. Enfin, en conclusion, sont évoqués les droits des victimes de statut coutumier dans une société qui valorise les solidarités, sans pour autant sacrifier la réhabilitation sociale de la victime d’infractions pénales.

L’auteur offre au lecteur le fruit de son expérience de terrain en Nouvelle-Calédonie (2011-2015) en réunissant dans un seul ouvrage 48 décisions marquantes commentées, pour comprendre un système novateur entre norme autochtone et système juridique global, ainsi qu’une confrontation du contenu des décisions “coutumières” avec le contenu de la charte du peuple kanak qui rappelle les principes qui structurent la société kanake.


I. Aux sources institutionnelles et constitutionnelles du statut personnel
La place croissante du droit coutumier dans l’organisation juridique de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
Les règles spécifiques de procédure
Les institutions coutumières

II. Le droit kanak
La terre et le clan
Le mariage par enregistrement et sa dissolution dans un contexte d’alliance interclanique
L’avenir du clan : la filiation, le statut et l’intérêt de l’enfant

III.  Aux limites du droit civil et du droit pénal

L’Esprit du droit , 300 pages.  40€

BOOK : The Judgment of Culture. Cultural Assumptions in American Law

The Judgment of Culture

Cultural Assumptions in American Law

Lawrence Rosen

2018 – Routledge


The Judgment of Culture: Cultural Assumptions in American Law (Paperback) book cover



Legal systems do not operate in isolation but in complex cultural contexts.

This original and thought-provoking volume considers how cultural assumptions are built into American legal decision-making, drawing on a series of case studies to demonstrate the range of ways courts express their understanding of human nature, social relationships, and the sense of orderliness that cultural schemes purport to offer. Unpacking issues such as native heritage, male circumcision, and natural law, Rosen provides fresh insight into socio-legal studies, drawing on his extensive experience as both an anthropologist and a law professional to provide a unique perspective on the important issue of law and cultural practice.

The Judgement of Culture will make informative reading for students and scholars of anthropology, law, and related subjects across the social sciences.

Table of Contents


Part I: Bringing Culture into the Law

1. Defending Culture: The Cultural Defense and the Law’s Theory of Culture

2. Leave It to the Experts? The Anthropologist as Expert Witness

3. What’s It Like? Native Americans and the Ambivalence of Legal Metaphors

Part II: Nature and the Family

4: Should We Just Abolish Marriage? The Uses of Anthropology in Law and Policy

5: What’s Wrong with Incest? Perception and Theory in a Shifting Legal Environment

6: Natural Law or Law Naturalized? Nature v. Culture in the U.S. Supreme Court

Part III: Reaching Out

7: Medicalizing the Law: The Debate over Male Circumcision

8: The Incorporation of Custom: The Case of the Flashing Headlights

9: Is There a Place for Community? The Amish and the American Romance of Community


About the Author

Lawrence Rosen is the William N. Cromwell Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at Princeton University, USA, and Adjunct Professor of Law at Columbia Law School, USA. As an anthropologist he has worked on Arab social life and Islamic law; as a legal scholar he has worked on the rights of indigenous peoples and American socio-legal issues. He is a member of the bar of the State of North Carolina and the U.S. Supreme Court.

Book : Personal Autonomy in Plural Societies. A Principle and its Paradoxes

2018 – Routledge

Personal Autonomy in Plural Societies: A Principle and its Paradoxes (Hardback) book cover



This volume addresses the exercise of personal autonomy in contemporary situations of normative pluralism. In the Western liberal tradition, from a strictly legal and theoretical perspective the social individual has the right to exercise the autonomy of his or her will. In a context of legal plurality, however, personal autonomy becomes more complicated. Can and should personal autonomy be recognized as a legal foundation for protecting a person’s freedom to renounce what others view as his or her fundamental ‘human rights’? This collection develops an interdisciplinary conceptual framework to address these questions and presents empirical studies examining the gap between the principle of personal autonomy and its implementation. In a context of cultural diversity, this gap manifests itself in two particular ways. First, not every culture gives the same pre-eminence to personal autonomy when examining the legal effects of an individual’s acts. Second, in a society characterized by ‘weak pluralism’, the legal assessment of personal autonomy often favours the views of the dominant majority. In highlighting these diverse perspectives and problematizing the so-called ‘guardian function’ of human rights, i.e., purporting to protect weaker parties by limiting their personal autonomy in the name of gender equality, fair trial, etc., this book offers a nuanced approach to the principle of autonomy and addresses the questions of whether it can effectively be deployed in situations of internormativity and what conditions must be met in order to ensure that it is not rendered devoid of all meaning.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Individual Autonomy in Contemporary Plural Societies: How to Reconcile Competing Normative Standards? – Marie-Claire Foblets, Michele Graziadei and Alison Dundes Renteln

Part I: Autonomy in the Face of Cultural Diversity: Disciplinary Perspectives

1. The Fault in our Stars: Personal Autonomy, Philosophy, and the Law – Michele Graziadei

2. Confronting Autonomy in Liberal Practice – Geoffrey Brahm Levey

3. Autonomy and Deeply Embedded Cultural Identities – John Christman

4. Three Approaches to the Protection of Religious Freedom: Choice, Interest, Identity – Avigail Eisenberg

5. Appeals to Choice and Sexual Equality: Debates over Religious Attire – Monique Deveaux

6. Why the Individual must be Defended ~ Seemingly against all Anthropological Odds – Olaf Zenker

Part II: Autonomy in Context: Empirical Illustrations

A: The Majoritarian Assessment of Personal Autonomy

7. Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: Personal Autonomy as a Pillar for the Accommodation of Employees’ Religious Practices? – Katayoun Alidadi

8. Adopting a Face-Veil, Concluding an Islamic Marriage: Autonomy, Agency, and Liberal-Secular Rule – Annelies Moors

9. Unregistered Muslim Marriages in the UK: Examining Normative Influences Shaping Choice of Legal Protection – Rajnaara Akhtar

10. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Personal Autonomy, Forced Marriage, and the Inherent Jurisdiction in English Law – Alberto Neidhardt

11. Balancing Migration Policy and Personal Autonomy in Private International Law: A Shattered Illusion?Jinske Verhellen

12. The Anti-Religious Bias in Personal Autonomy: Towards Coherence and a SolutionToon Agten

13. Shaping Notions of Personal Autonomy in Plural Societies: Addressing Female Genital Cutting in France and the European Regulatory Framework’s Approach to this Custom – Lucia Bellucci

14. The Human Rights Dimensions of Virginity Restoration Surgery – Alison Dundes Renteln

B. Individual Agency in situ

15. ‘It is Better for Me to Agree When My Guardian is Here’: Consent and Relational Personhood in Postcolonial Malawi – Jessica Johnson

16. The Multiple Search for Autonomy among Moluccans in the Netherlands: A Relational Approach – Keebet von Benda-Beckmann

17. An All but Trivial Abortion: Scrutinizing Sex Selection Legislation in India through the Lens of Women’s Autonomy – Kalindi Kokal

18. Rethinking Social Norms: Contraceptive Use and Women’s Right to Choose in Senegal – Chiara Quagliariello

19. Autonomous Aspirations? Re-reading the CEDAW Drafting Process and Examining Muslim Women’s Contributions – Shaheen Sardar Aliand Arjumand Bano Kazmi

20. ‘That’s not our Culture’: Paradoxes of Personal Property in Indigenous Self-Governance – Ian Kalman

About the Editors

Marie-Claire Foblets is Director of the Department of Law and Anthropology at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle, Germany and Professor of Law at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.

Michele Graziadei is Professor of Comparative Law at the University of Turin, Italy and President of the Italian Society for Research on Comparative Law (SIRD).

Alison Dundes Renteln is Professor of Political Science, Anthropology, Law, and Public Policy at the University of Southern California, where she teaches International Law and Human Rights.


BOOK :Space, Time, Justice From Archaic Rituals to Contemporary Perspectives

Space, Time, Justice

From Archaic Rituals to Contemporary Perspectives

David Marrani

2018 – Routledge

Space, Time, Justice: From Archaic Rituals to Contemporary Perspectives (Hardback) book cover


This book merges philosophical, psychoanalytical and legal perspectives to explore how spaces of justice are changing and the effect this has on the development of the administration of justice. There are as central themes: the idea of transgression as the starting point of the question of justice and its archaic anchor; the relation between spaces of justice and ritual(s); the question of use and abuse of transparency in contemporary courts; and the abolition of the judicial walls with the use of cameras in courts. It offers a comparative approach, looking at spaces of justice in both the civil and common law traditions. Presenting a theoretical and interdisciplinary study of spaces of justice, it will appeal to academics in the fields of law, criminology, sociology and architecture.

Table of Contents


Chapter One: Transgression as the ‘big bang’ of society

Chapter Two: Judicial spaces and ritual(s) of justice. The relation between time and space in the trial

Chapter Three: Contemporary spaces of justice: use and abuse of transparency

Chapter Four: The abolition of the judicial walls: cameras in courts and the reshaping of judicial spaces

Chapter 5: Conclusion

About the Author :

Dr David Marrani studied law, philosophy and psychoanalysis in France and in the UK. He is professor and director at the Institute of Law, Jersey. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students on Common Law Reasoning, Comparative Law, Comparative Public Law, Jurisprudence and Critical Studies. He is a Visiting Professor at several European and International universities. His research relates to comparative public law and the intersections between law, philosophy and psychoanalysis. He is series general editor for Routledge Research in Constitutional Law and the SLS convenor for comparative law.

BOOK : Popular Culture and Legal Pluralism

Popular Culture and Legal Pluralism: Narrative as Law

Wendy A. Adams

2017 – Routledge

Popular Culture and Legal Pluralism: Narrative as Law (Hardback) book cover


Drawing upon theories of critical legal pluralism and psychological theories of narrative identity, this book argues for an understanding of popular culture as legal authority, unmediated by translation into state law. In narrating our identities, we draw upon collective cultural narratives, and our narrative/nomos obligational selves become the nexus for law and popular culture as mutually constitutive discourse.

The author demonstrates the efficacy and desirability of applying a pluralist legal analysis to examine a much broader scope of subject matter than is possible through the restricted perspective of state law alone. The study considers whether presumptively illegal acts might actually be instances of a re-imagined, alternative legality, and the concomitant implications. As an illustrative example, works of critical dystopia and the beliefs and behaviours of eco/animal-terrorists can be understood as shared narrative and normative commitments that constitute law just as fully as does the state when it legislates and adjudicates.

This book will be of great interest to academics and scholars of law and popular culture, as well as those involved in interdisciplinary work in legal pluralism.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. A framework for Re-imagining Law

3. Legal Pluralism as Capacity and Result

4. Obligation and Identity

5. Resistance has Rules

6. Conclusion



About the Author

Wendy A. Adams is Associate Professor of Law, McGill University, Canada. Her research interests are in the areas of legal pluralism, law and popular culture, commodification, and human-animal studies. She has published on these and related topics.

Book : Bureaucracy, Law and Dystopia in the United Kingdom’s Asylum System

Bureaucracy, Law and Dystopia in the United Kingdom’s Asylum System

John R. Campbell

Routledge, 2017

Bureaucracy, Law and Dystopia in the United Kingdom's Asylum System

The central concern of this book is to find answers to fundamental questions about the British asylum system and how it operates. Based on ethnographic research over a two-year period, the work follows and analyses numerous asylum appeals through the British courts. It draws on myriad interviews with individuals and a thorough examination of many state and non-state organizations to understand how the system works. While the organization of the book reflects the formal asylum process, a focus on specific legal appeals reveals the ‘political’ factors at play as different institutions and actors seek to influence judicial decision-making and overturn/uphold official asylum policy. The final chapter draws on the author’s ethnographic findings of the UK’s ‘asylum field’ to re-examine research on the Refugee Determination System in the US, Canada and Australia which has narrowly focused on judicial decision-making. It argues that analysis of Refugee Determination Systems must be situated and studied as part of a wider, political, semi-autonomous ‘asylum field’ which needs to be better understood.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. An anthropological approach to studying the asylum field

Chapter 2. The evolution of the British Asylum System

Chapter 3. The work of the British Home Office and UK Border Agency

Chapter 4. Taking and making refugee claims: The work of immigration caseworkers, interpeters and barristers

Chapter 5. The Immigration and Asylum Tribunal and the work of Immigration Judges

Chapter 6. The politics of ‘permission’ and the Court of Appeal

Chapter 7. The Kafkaesque experience of asylum seekers

Chapter 8. Interest groups, asylum policy and Home Office intransigence

Conclusion and Postscript

About the Author

Dr John R. Campbell is a Reader in the Anthropology of Africa and Law at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. He has undertaken fieldwork in Ghana, Tanzania, Ethiopia and the UK, and has undertaken development-related consultancies in Kenya, Ethiopia and Botswana. In addition to teaching the anthropology of development and the ethnography of Eastern Africa, he teaches courses on legal anthropology. His most recent book is Nationalism, Law and Stateless: Grand Illusions in the Horn of Africa (Routledge, 2013).



BOOK : Gabriel Gatti (ed.) Un mundo de víctimas.

Gabriel GATTI (ed.)

Un mundo de víctimas.

Barcelona, Anthropos, 2017.


Bajo la edición de Gabriel Gatti Anthropos edita Un mundo de víctimas, que culmina el ciclo de publicaciones principales del proyecto Mundo(s) de víctimas. Además de los estudios de caso y de análisis de situaciones y escenas trasversales al “campo de las víctimas” en España (espacio judicial, vida cultural, escuelas, leyes…) propone un cuadro teórico amplio para entender los matices y aristas de la dimensión sociológica de las víctimas, con un glosario crítico, y varios desarrollos singulares acerca del nuevo espacio de las víctimas o las paradojas de la identidad de la víctima cuando se cruza con el ciudadano. Cuenta con textos breves de colaboradores invitados ad hoc (Nicolas Dodier, Janine Barbot, Sandrine Lefranc, Paco Ferrandiz, Jon Mirena Landa, Galo Bilbao, Fabiana Rousseaux) y los textos de los miembros del equipo: Maria Martinez, Ignacio Irazuzta, Sandrine Revet, Silvia Rodríguez Maeso, David Casado, Josebe Martinez, Suso Izquierdo, Mamen Peñaranda, Marti Oliver, Andres Gomez Seguel, Iñaki Robles, Ramón Saez o Adriana Villalón. Es un trabajo muy editado, de autoría colectiva, multidisciplinar y comparativo, que aspira a inaugurar una sociología de las víctimas en España.
PRESENTACIÓN. Un mundo de víctimas, por Gabriel Gatti ………. 5
TEXTO 1. La teoría heredada para pensar la víctima.
Insuficiencia, nostalgia y negación, por Gabriel Gatti ………. 27
TEXTO 2. Glosario para la nueva víctima,
por Equipo de investigación Mundo(s) de víctimas …………… 36
TEXTO 3. El campo de las víctimas. Disensos, consensos
e imaginarios compartidos en el nacimiento del
ciudadano-víctima, por Gabriel Gatti y María Martínez …….. 73
TEXTO 4. Víctimas de raíz política (las dueñas del campo
y del nombre), por Gabriel Gatti …………………………………….. 91
TEXTO 5. Víctimas de violencia de género (las víctimas
habladas), por David Casado-Neira y María Martínez ……….. 112
TEXTO 6. Víctimas de accidentes de tráfico (las víctimas
que no lo son), por María del Carmen Peñaranda-Cólera
y Martí Oliver-Mora (con la colaboración de Andrés G.
Seguel) ………………………………………………………………………… 130
TEXTO 7. Bebés robados (víctimas que desean serlo),
por Gabriel Gatti y Sandrine Revet ………………………………….. 151
TEXTO 8. ¿Víctimas sin victimismo? Por una memoria
elaborada del genocidio franquista, por Jesús Izquierdo
Martín ………………………………………………………………………… 165
TEXTO 9. El gobierno de las víctimas. Instituciones, prácticas
técnicas y oficios que hacen (a) las víctimas,
por Ignacio Irazuzta y Gabriel Gatti ………………………………… 183
TEXTO 10. Entre víctimas: investigando las exhumaciones
de las fosas comunes de la Guerra Civil en la España
contemporánea, por Francisco Ferrándiz ………………………… 209
TEXTO 11. Las víctimas del terror de Estado en el marco
de las Políticas Públicas de Reparación,
por Fabiana Rousseaux …………………………………………………. 220
TEXTO 12. Ejercer el oficio de especialista en justicia
transicional, por Sandrine Lefranc ………………………………….. 231
TEXTO 13. Leyes sobre víctimas en España: los ciudadanos
de vidas vulnerables, por Gabriel Gatti e Ignacio Irazuzta …. 243
TEXTO 14. El regreso de la víctima en la evolución del
sistema penal, por Ramón Sáez Valcárcel ………………………… 259
TEXTO 15. Leyes de víctimas y derecho penal: simetrías y
asimetrías con especial atención a la violencia política,
por Jon-Mirena Landa Gorostiza …………………………………….. 269
TEXTO 16. La víctima en escena: una etnografía en los
juzgados de violencia contra la mujer, por Gabriel Gatti,
María Martínez y Sandrine Revet ……………………………………. 281
TEXTO 17. Las víctimas a juicio, por Janine Barbot
y Nicolas Dodier …………………………………………………………… 296
Texto 18. Las víctimas en la escuela vasca: iniciativas políticas
para una «educación sentimental», por Ignacio Irazuzta,
Silvia Rodríguez Maeso y Adriana Villalón ……………………….. 309
Texto 19. Inocencia y reconocimiento, Galo Bilbao Alberdi ……. 331
Texto 20. Cuidado, vulnerabilidad, víctima. Elementos para
una problemática psicosocial, por Pascale Molinier ………….. 340
TEXTO 21. La víctima y la cultura barroca, por Josebe Martínez
y David Casado-Neira ……………………………………………………. 351
TEXTO 22. Relatos culturales de la víctima, por Jaume Peris
Blanes …………………………………………………………………………. 370
TEXTO 23. La autoridad de la víctima. Lo cómico y la violencia,
por António Sousa Ribeiro …………………………………………….. 384
TEXTO 24. La Transición española y sus víctimas,
por Josebe Martínez ………………………………………………………. 395

Seminar : Forum Law as Culture

Program “Forum Law as Culture” for the 1st quarter of 2018



Through its homonymous forum, the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture” offers a space for interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange with international guests and fellows at the Center. The forum events take place on Tuesdays in the Center’s Max Weber Lecture Room and are open to the interested public. Admission is free.

The entire program from January to March 2018 can be accessed here (PDF).

Detailed information on individual lectures can be accessed under Activities.

BOOK : Werner Gephart, Daniel Witte (ed.) The Sacred and the Law. The Durkheimian Legacy

Werner Gephart, Daniel Witte (ed).

The Sacred and the Law.

The Durkheimian Legacy

Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2017

Series of the
Käte Hamburger Center for
Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture”

There is little doubt about the importance of Emile Durkheim’s work and the influence it had on the social sciences. His insights into the realms of normativity in particular remain an inspiring mine of information for theoretical reflection and empirical analyses. While his strengths, as we know nowadays, might not have always laid in systematic arguments, his main concerns have shaped the development of social thought in fundamental ways: the question of changing social bonds and the problem of integration; belief and unbelief in societal values; acceptance and rejection of the law, obligation and rights; inner tensions of normative orders; the problem of aligning the polymorphism of normativities with the polymorphic structures of society – and, hence, the project of normative and social pluralism. The Sacred occupies an important dual position in this context: marking an autonomous sphere of the Holy, endangered and upstaged by processes of modernization, and at the same time a fundamental trait of sociality, culture and normativity in general, thus providing the basis even still for modern, ‘secularized’ forms of collective beliefs. The current volume is comprised of contributions from a variety of disciplinary perspectives dealing with a wide range of topics in the realm of normativity in order to recall these important issues and demonstrate the influence and moment of Durkheim’s thinking on matters of the Sacred and the law.

The list of contents can be found here

About the editors :

Werner Gephart is a legal scholar, sociologist, artist, and Founding Director of the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture”

Daniel Witte is sociologist and research coordinator at the Käte Hamburger Center “Law as Culture”

Summary :

Werner Gephart, Daniel Witte, The Social, the Sacred and the Cult of Law: Some Introductory Remarks on the Durkheimian Legacy , p. 7

I. In the Realm of Normativity

Steven Lukes, Norms as Social Facts, p. 33
Stephen Turner, Durkheim as a Neo-Kantian Philosopher, p. 49

II. Durkheim as a Reader of Legal Studies

Jean-Louis Halpérin, Durkheim et la culture juridique de son temps , p. 73
Raja Sakrani, Cultures de droit judaïque et islamique : Un regard durkheimien, p. 93

III. The Sacred Ground of Private Law

Werner Gephart, On the Religious Origins of Private Law. Émile Durkheim, Paul Huvelin, and Emmanuel Lévy , p. 115
Laurent de Sutter, Durkheimian Mysteries: Law, Magic and the Sacred in Paul Huvelin and Marcel Mauss , p. 139
Laura R. Ford, Legacies of the Sacred in Private Law: Roman Civic Religion, Property, and Contract , p. 157

IV. The Non-Contractual Elements of Contract

Jean-Louis Fabiani, Contract, Context, Social Action, p. 203
Dirk Tänzler, Reading Hobbes with Durkheim: The Ritual Roots of Politics, p. 213

V. The Politics of Law and Religion

Daniel Witte, Passing the Torch: From Durkheim’s Statism to Bourdieu’s Critique of the State , p. 229
Jan Christoph Suntrup, Deliberation and the “Social Brain”. Durkheim’s Theory of Democracy and Political Legitimacy , p. 263
Prakash Shah, Provincializing Durkheim’s Religion, p. 283
Daniel Šuber, Law from Myth? A Study in Living Law in Serbia, p. 301

VI. In the Realm of Global Normativity

Marta Bucholc, Entangled Normativities: Durkheimian Scenarios for Late Modernity, p. 339
Roger Cotterrell, Moral Individualism Today: Human Rights and Dignity through a Durkheimian Lens , p. 359

Book : Shirin Naef, Kinship, law and religion

Shirin Naef

Kinship, law and religion.

An anthropological study of assisted reproductive technologies in Iran

Francke Verlag: Tübingen

Tübinger Studien zur Ethik – Tübingen Studies in Ethics, 7

ISBN : 978-3-7720-8616-8

Since the first IVF birth in 1990, the Iranian medical community has not only given full support to the use and development of assisted reproductive technology but has aided the emergence of a powerful, locally-trained body of medical practitioners and biomedical researchers. At the same time, from a religious point of view, most Shia legal authorities – differences of opinion notwithstanding – have taken a relatively permissive view and generally support assisted reproductive technology, including procedures that involve egg, sperm and embryo donation as well as surrogacy arrangements under certain conditions. An examination of the social, legal and ethical aspects of the development and implementation of these technologies in Iran is the subject of this book. It is based on a combination of extensive ethnographic research and textual analysis of important academic and religious seminary publications in Iran, from Shia jurisprudence (fiqh) and Persian histories to the analysis of laws and verdicts.

PhD : Benoit Éthier

Orocowewin notcimik itatcihowin : ontologie politique et contemporanéité des responsabilités et des droits territoriaux chez les Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok (Haute-Mauricie, Québec) dans le contexte des négociations territoriales globales


Université Laval, Québec

Pour consulter la thèse cliquez ici

Cette recherche doctorale s’inscrit dans les champs des études autochtones, de l’anthropologie juridique et de l’ontologie politique. À partir d’une analyse du processus d’élaboration du code de pratiques chez les Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok, cette étude s’intéresse à l’articulation et à la traduction de pratiques, de processus et de principes normatifs nehirowisiwok dans un contexte de négociations territoriales et de dialogue avec les institutions étatiques. Cette recherche s’intéresse au phénomène du pluralisme juridique – à la description empirique et à l’analyse des processus de négociations, de traductions et de reformulations qui se produisent, dans un rapport souvent asymétrique, entre, par exemple, les ordres normatifs autochtones et le droit étatique. À l’instar d’autres Premières Nations, les Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok sont engagés, depuis les dernières décennies, dans des revendications d’autodétermination visant à faire reconnaître à la fois leurs droits et leurs propres pratiques politiques et de gestion territoriale. Contrairement toutefois à d’autres Premières Nations, comme les Cris (Eeyouch / Eenouch) de la Baie James ou les Nisgaa’ de la Côte-Ouest canadienne, les Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok n’ont, à ce jour, signé aucun traité, historique ou moderne, avec les gouvernements du Québec et du Canada. Les Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok sont pleinement conscients du risque de négocier et d’utiliser les systèmes et instances politiques et juridiques de l’État pour faire reconnaître leur droit à l’autodétermination. Ils sont aussi pleinement conscients qu’ils sont confrontés à la présence inévitable de conflits ontologiques et épistémologiques. Toutefois, et en dépit des nombreux obstacles, ils demeurent mobilisés et engagés dans ces négociations inévitables avec les institutions étatiques. Dans cette mobilisation, les Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok maintiennent l’espoir de faire reconnaître leurs propres visions du politique, manières d’êtres-au-monde et aspirations. Pour reprendre le terme de Blaser (2004), ces démarches articulent et présentent des « projets de vie » autochtones fondés sur des rapports particuliers aux territoires et aux non-humains, sur des mémoires, des attentes et des désirs. Ces « projets de vie » se mobilisent concrètement dans les pratiques quotidiennes, les relations aux territoires familiaux, les activités de chasse et dans les mobilisations des Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok autour de la reconnaissance de leurs droits.


This doctoral research encompasses the fields of Indigenous studies, legal anthropology and political ontology. Through an analysis of the elaboration of the Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok code of practices, this study examines the articulation and translation of Nehirowisiwok normative practices, processes and principles in a context of territorial negotiations and dialogue with state institutions. This research focuses on the phenomenon of legal pluralism – the empirical description and analysis of the processes of negotiations, translations and reformulations that often take place, in asymmetrical relationship, notably between indigenous normative orders and state law. Like other First Nations, the Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok have, over the past few decades, been involved in self-determination claims for the recognition of their rights, as well as their political and territorial management practices. Unlike other First Nations, however, such as the James Bay Cree (Eeyouch / Eenouch) or the Nisgaa’ of the Canadian West Coast, the Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok have not so far signed any treaty, historical or modern, with the governments of Quebec and Canada. The Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok are fully aware of the risk involved in such negotiations and of using the political and legal systems of the State in order to have their right to self-determination recognized. They are also conscious of the unavoidable ontological and epistemological conflicts they face. However, in spite of these obstacles, they remain mobilized and engaged in these inevitable negotiations with state institutions. In this mobilization, the Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok remain hopeful that their own political visions, as well as their ways of being-in-the-world and aspirations will be recognized. These efforts articulate and exhibit what Blaser (2004) defines as indigenous “life projects”, based on specific relations to the land and non-human agencies, on memory, expectations and desires. These “life projects” are mobilized concretely in daily practices, relationships to family territories, hunting activities and through the various mobilizations enacted by the Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok around the recognition of their rights.