Aldo Andrea Cassi, Santa, giusta, umanitaria. La guerra nella civiltà occidentale, 2015.

L’opera. Una riflessione sulla cultura che più di tutte ha speculato sull’uso della violenza come strumento politico. Fin dagli antichi greci la guerra è stata oggetto di riflessione da parte di pensatori e filosofi, che la consideravano “giusta” (Aristotele), una condizione necessaria della stessa socialità. Il libro propone un excursus filosofico-giuridico, che parte dal pensiero ellenico e abbraccia la cristianità (da Agostino a Tommaso d’Aquino, da Bernardo di Chiaravalle a Giovanna d’Arco), fino ad arrivare ai nostri giorni, a nuove declinazioni come il terrorismo internazionale, nel tentativo di circoscrivere entro confini e concetti teologici, filosofici, etici, politici e giuridici, l’uso della guerra nei rapporti tra popoli e tra nazioni.

Aldo Andrea Cassi, Ultramar. L’invenzione europea del Nuovo Mundo, 2007

L’invenzione europea del Nuovo Mondo

In breve

La Conquista del Nuovo Mondo fu l’opera di un Giano bifronte, un balletto sul filo del cinismo e dell’utopia. Di fronte all’enormità della scoperta, gli europei rimasero letteralmente senza parole. La Natura americana e la Cultura europea sembravano irrimediabilmente incommensurabili. Tutti gli aspetti del Nuovo Mondo richiedevano una definizione appropriata, che le categorie concettuali europee non erano in grado di fornire, se non per approssimazione: l’oceano venne provvisoriamente chiamato ‘Mar tenebroso’, il puma fu battezzato ‘leone di montagna’, gli stessi indigeni furono chiamati ‘indios’, anche se non si trattava nemmeno lontanamente di abitanti delle Indie. Per ‘prendere’ il Nuovo Mondo, prima di tutto bisognava ‘comprenderlo’ e i soli che avessero le parole giuste per farlo, gli stregoni delle nuove terre, erano i giuristi. La cultura giuridica fu insomma il sistema di comunicazione, l’interfaccia tra il Vecchio Mondo medievale e il Nuovo Mondo la cui scoperta inaugurava l’età moderna. Abituati per mestiere ad avere orrore delle approssimazioni, i giuristi iniziarono a distinguere, a discutere, a definire. Questo libro ripercorre la storia di quelle parole e del loro potere demiurgico e distruttivo.

Coutumes et droit écrit en Afrique noire aujourd’hui : inversion de suprématie ?

Mercredi 14 février 2018
Université Toulouse Capitole
Salle des Thèses
11 Rue des Puits Creusés
31000 Toulouse



La question des rapports entre les coutumes et les droits écrits en Afrique noire s’est posée dès que les puissances coloniales ont introduit leur droit dans cet espace.
A cette époque elle était réglée par une volonté de faire prévaloir les droits écrits sur les coutumes, notamment par l’organisation d’une cohabitation des deux droits en dénigrant les coutumes pour mieux faire apparaître les mérites des droits écrits.
Cette volonté s’est poursuivie après les indépendances avec l’adoption par les Etats des solutions de cohabitation visant à terme la disparition des coutumes. Simplement, elle s’est heurtée, et se heurte encore à une résistance discrète mais omniprésente des coutumes, avec parfois des situations claires d’application des solutions coutumières au détriment des règles écrites. Peut-on sur la base de cette observation parler d’inversion de hiérarchie ? Les coutumes seraient-elles en réalité le droit réel à codifier et les droits écrits d’application exceptionnelle en Afrique noire ?
Au-delà d’un simple bilan, cette conférence interroge l’état actuel des rapports entre les droits écrits et les coutumes dans les Etats d’Afrique noire, avec pour ambition d’en tirer des enseignements en termes de processus de production des normes ayant des chances de s’appliquer effectivement dans un espace juridique donné.




10h00 : Intervention de Monsieur Pierre-Etienne KENFACK, Professeur, Université Yaoundé 2, Cameroun


(Monsieur Kenfack a fait ses études à l’Université de Yaoundé 2 où il a obtenu un doctorat de troisième cycle, avant de s’inscrire à l’Université Toulouse 1 pour la préparation d’une thèse de doctorat, finalement soutenue à l’Université Paris 1 (Panthéon Sorbonne).

Reçu major à la section droit privé du concours d’agrégation CAMES de 2011, il enseigne à l’Université Yaoundé 2 la théorie du droit, le droit international privé, le droit foncier et le droit OHADA. Ses champs privilégiés de recherches sont : les sources du droit, le droit foncier et le droit des ressources naturelles. Il est Professeur invité à l’Université Paris 1 (Panthéon Sorbonne), à l’Université de Caen (Basse Normandie) et dans plusieurs Universités Africaines.)

Inscription gratuite par mail à Cécile Petit : 

Inscription supplémentaire et obligatoire sur ADUM pour les doctorants

Reprise des cours de Philippe Descola au Collège de France : “la composition des collectifs. Formes d’hybridation”

Forum Law as Culture : Matthias Herdegen (Bonn): The International Law of Biotechnology: Personhood and Human Rights, Risk Management and International Trade

Matthias Herdegen (Bonn): The International Law of Biotechnology: Personhood and Human Rights, Risk Management and International Trade


The international law of biotechnology reflects a complex interplay of legal values, individual rights and social interests. The debates on in vitro fertilization, cloning, stem cell research, gene therapy or transgenic crops highlight conflicting normative concepts and societal perceptions. Human rights, individual autonomy as well as traditional concepts of personhood and family life inspire regulatory models in the field of bio-medicine and reproduction techniques. Human dignity, referring to the individual person or to mankind at large, operates as common roof for legal and ethical standards. In international trade and environmental law, scientific corroboration of risks, commercial interests and different approaches to precaution compete and often conflict with socio-cultural considerations, especially in highly risk-averse societies. Patents may bar access to genetic resources as encoded information and to transgenic organisms. Human rights treaties as well as free trade regimes have become the battleground for political choices in heterogeneous societies and for different regulatory approaches adopted by states. Current discussion is driven by conflicting claims to ‘rationality’ and the difficult quest for value judgments based on an international consensus.

Prof. Dr. DDr. h.c. Matthias Herdegen

Curriculum Vitae

Matthias Herdegen is Director of the Institute of Public Law (Institut für Öffentliches Recht) and Director at the Institute of Public International Law (Institut für Völkerrecht) of the University of Bonn. His main areas of research are, inter alia,  in the fields of German and foreign constitutional law, European law, international business law, international law and biotechnology law.

After studying law at the Universities of Heidelberg and Cambridge, Matthias Herdegen gained his doctorate in Heidelberg in 1983. For his habilitation treatise “Gewissensfreiheit und Normativität im positiven Recht“ (Freedom of Conscience and Normativity in Positive Law), he received a special award for constitutional law from the German Federal Ministry of Science. Following his work as a research fellow for foreign and international law at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, he took on a professorship at the University of Bonn and, shortly after, was appointed professor at the University of Konstanz. Since 1995, Matthias Herdegen holds the chair for public law in Bonn. He has been a visiting professor at, inter alia, New York University (Global Law School), the University of Paris I (Sorbonne), the Universidad Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM) and the University of Tel Aviv, as well as adjunct professor at the City University of Hong Kong. Matthias Herdegen is honorary professor at the Pontifical Javeriana University and at the university Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Bogotá. He is Director at the Interdisciplinary Latin America Center of the University of Bonn, executive co-editor of the Grundgesetz-Kommentar Maunz/Dürig (Maunz/Dürig Commentary on German Basic Law) and member of the Human Rights Committee of the International Law Association.

From October 2012 to April 2013, Matthias Herdegen was fellow at the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture” and continued his fellowship in October 2013. Since October 2017 he is again Fellow at the Käte Hamburger Center.


  • Date: 23.01.2018
  • Place: Max Weber lecture room of the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture”
  • Time: 18:00 h

El Dr. Guiller Luévano, miembro del FLAD/México, realiza un análisis como experto en antropología jurídica sobre la Ley de Seguridad Interior

El Dr. Guiller Luévano, miembro del FLAD/México, realiza un análisis como experto en antropología jurídica sobre la Ley de Seguridad Interior
15 de diciembre de 2017

“La Ley de Seguridad interior que aprobaron las cámaras de senadores y diputados es una norma contraria a la noción y perspectiva de los derechos humanos, calificó Guillermo Luévano Bustamante catedrático de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, UASLP.”

Asian Journal Of Comparative Law, Volume 12 – Issue 2 – December 2017



Front Cover (OFC, IFC) and matter

Back Cover (OBC, IBC) and matter

Book : Stategraphy: Toward a relational anthropology of the state

Stategraphy: Toward a relational anthropology of the state


Tatjana Thelen, Larissa Vetters, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (eds.)

New York, NY; Oxford: Berghahn

Year of publication



In the introduction to this special issue, we discuss recent trends in anthropological research on and in theorizing the state. We show how these have given rise to an analytical gap between state images, on the one hand, and practices, on the other. Based on this analysis, we propose a relational approach that we call ‘stategraphy’ as a way to tie together state practices and representations. This ethnographically grounded approach focuses on relational modalities, boundary work, and forms of embeddedness of actors as constitutive factors. These avenues of analyses enable a nuanced understanding and comparative investigation of change and continuity as well as of mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion.

Call for participation (PhD students in all disciplines) : The Uses and Futures of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies

Call for Participation (PhD students in all disciplines)

The Uses and Futures of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies


A one-day Conference at the University of Kent, Canterbury

15th June 2018

Kent Law School is proud to launch and host the inaugural Interdisciplinary Legal Studies (ILS) Network and bi-annual Conference. The inaugural postgraduate research conference titled The Uses and Futures of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies aims to provide an initial forum towards the critical exploration of interdisciplinary research/studies in and of law, as well as the formation of an informal research network between cognate PhD students (Interdisciplinary Legal Studies Network – ILS) and Law Schools. The following Schools have already joined the ILS network: Kent Law School, Westminster Law School, Birkbeck Law School, Warwick Law School, Universidad de los Andes, Law School, Melbourne Law School, LSE Law School, Science Po, Law School and the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Law School.

The Conference will not follow the conventional pattern of papers and plenaries, but rather aim for collective discussion at first in small groups, and then more widely with the support of 6 Guest Scholars: Prof. Diamond Ashiagbor (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies); Prof. Kate Bedford (Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham); Prof. Emilios Christodoulidis (School of Law, University of Glasgow); Dr. Emilie Cloatre (Reader in Law, Kent Law School, University of Kent); Prof. Marieke de Goede (Department of Politics, University of Amsterdam); and Prof. Ambreena Manji (School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University).

In order to facilitate participation and collective reflection PhD students in law, as well as PhD students in other disciplines, with an interest in thinking about law, however widely conceived) are invited to submit:

(1) a 200-word summary of their doctoral research project; and

(2) a 200-word summary brief on their experience of/reflection on interdisciplinary research in/of law.

Please email your briefs to: by 15th March 2018


Conference Theme

Arguably, modern legal scholarship is today more vibrant, complex and inter-disciplinary than ever before. Legal studies and legal practices are increasingly informed by a wide range of complex interdisciplinary borrowing, interaction and cooperation. Furthermore, different approaches to legal research and education, as varied as doctrinal, neo-realist, socio-legal, feminist, neo-Marxist, law-in-action, critical, contextual and so forth, appear to concur, often through a growing degree of self-criticism, that the emergence of sophisticated interdisciplinary scholarship amidst various political perspectives, methods and disciplines has influenced or, at least, to an extent challenged legal teaching, learning, researching, decision-making, concept-constructing and vocational practice. Our primary concern in this conference is with inquiring into the manner and purpose of the interdisciplinary research experience in contemporary broad-minded legal studies.

Interdisciplinary practices and aims have been subject to contention, as well as variation and recalibration, for many decades. Is it, for instance, disciplinary integration and/or interaction that are aimed at? Is it, instead, juxtaposition, coordination, and the rigorous ability to read parallel sequences (often categorized as falling under ‘multidisciplinarity’)? Is it the critique of the structural formation of knowledges, or the ultimate transcending of a discipline that is aimed at (its transformation, often categorized under the name of ‘transdisciplinarity’)?

What if, however, interdisciplinary legal research aimed at neither a mere self-sufficient juxtaposition, nor an over-ambitious synthesis? Who would be the audience and what would be the purpose of interdisciplinary research and study of law and in law? It is often observed, for example, that interdisciplinary attempts in legal research borrow methods or material (however successfully) from another discipline in order to then near-exclusively address a legal audience, without manifesting, in fact, a genuine attempt to study as well as engage with that other discipline’s audience. What, then, if interdisciplinarity begins only once it admits that distinctions run through disciplines as much as between them and that therefore one has to study them rigorously in all sorts of ways (be they methodological and theoretical, instrumental and critical, endogenous and exogenous etc.)?

Academic disciplines are indeed contingent and highly permeable products of complex historical processes. Distinctions and synergies between disciplines are equally contingent on different histories and cultures (for example, history is the foundational social science in France, while in Britain it is categorized under the humanities; equally we can ask: is law a social science or a part of the humanities?). Lacking some kind of absolute consistency, disciplines differentiate their functions through transforming knowledges and practices, in the self-defining and self-serving interior dynamics. Disciplines are however a recent modern invention and, more than it is usually admitted, they have always remained in a state of almost permanent ‘crisis’, flux and cognitive (as well political or social) challenge. Within the institution of the University disciplinary self-definition and self-defense has intensified, often forgetting that disciplines themselves are re-created or redefined through collisions between differing cognitive spheres.

Interdisciplinarity, it is then proposed, may be neither a panacea for all the problems one encounters in legal research and higher education more widely, nor an unnecessary opportune distraction from the rigor of a disciplinary program of study. In addition, interdisciplinarity, in its multiple and complex formations and deformations, should not be constrained by the success of its hype. Too often, as a mostly managerial or marketing buzzword without much challenging substance, it has infiltrated Universities to the point that now almost all departments and all disciplines aim to foster interdisciplinarity in research and education. While it is most challenging a climate in which we find ourselves, we think that there has not been a better time to consider, anew, and with persistent care, the paths, claims and challenges of inter/disciplinarity in legal research (and by extension education more broadly). If interdisciplinarity is not to be or remain an empty signifier, yet another fashionable façade of progress and innovation (or even the latest desperate attempt to de-socialise and isolate knowledge), we need to ask what becomes of/in interdisciplinary formations and deformations of knowledge?


Registration Fee: £35


More details on the Conference, Travel, Accommodation and related matters will be regularly updated at the Conference’s site which can be visited at:


If you have any questions please feel free to contact:

Thanos Zartaloudis at

Donatella Alesandrini


Book : Law and Memory Towards Legal Governance of History

Law and Memory
Towards Legal Governance of History

Uladzislau Belavusau (University of Amsterdam)
Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias (Polish Academy of Sciences)

Cambridge University Press

September 2017

Isbn: 9781108102889

Law and Memory

Legal governance of memory has played a central role in establishing hegemony of monumental history, and has forged national identities and integration processes in Europe and beyond. In this book, a range of contributors explore both the nature and role of legal engagement into historical memory in selected national law, European and international law. They also reflect on potential conflicts between legal governance, political pluralism, and fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression. In recent years, there have been numerous monumental commemoration practices and judicial trials about correlated events all over the world, and this is a prime opportunity to undertake an important global comparative scrutiny of memory laws. Against the background of mass re-writing of history in different parts of the world, this book revisits a fascinating subject of memory laws from the standpoint of comparative law and transitional justice.

Table of Contents

Introduction: memory laws: mapping a new subject in comparative law and transitional justice Uladzislau Belavusau and Aleksandra Gliszcyńska-Grabias
Part I. International Law:
1. The UN Human Rights Committee’s view of the past Antoon De Baets
2. The role of international criminal tribunals in shaping the historical accounts of genocides Marina Aksenova
3. The ‘right to truth’ in international law: the ‘last utopia’? Patricia Naftali
Part II. European Law (Council of Europe and European Union):
4. Kononov vs Latvia as the ontological security struggle over remembering the Second World War Maria Mälksoo
5. Testing the ‘uniqueness’: denial of the Holocaust vs denial of other crimes before the European Court of Human Rights Paolo Lobba
6. Legislating history: the European Union and the denial of international crimes Luigi Cajani
Part III. National Perspectives within European Union:
7. Challenging historical facts and national truths: an analysis of cases from France and Greece Ioanna Tourkochoriti
8. Legal silences and the memory of Francoism in Spain Alfons Aragoneses
9. Politics of public knowledge in dealing with the past: postcommunist experiences and some lessons from the Czech Republic Jiří Přibáň
10. Adjudication in deportation cases of Latvia and international law Ieva Miluna
11. Judging the conducător: fascism, communism and legal discontinuity in post-war Romania Cosmin Sebastian Cercel
12. Dealing with the past in and around the fundamental law in Hungary Miklós Könczöl
13. On the politics of resentment, mis-memory and constitutional fidelity. The demise of the Polish overlapping consensus? Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz
Part IV. Perspectives beyond European Union:
14. Defending Stalinism by means of criminal law: Russia, 1995–2014 Nikolay Koposov
15. Cutting the umbilical cord: the narrative of the national past and future in Ukrainian de-communization policy Lina Klymenko
16. Banning genocide denial – should geography matter? Robert A. Kahn
17. ‘From banning Nakba to bridging narratives’: the collective memory of 1948 and transitional justice for Israelis and Palestinians Jeremie Bracka
18. Historical revisionism and the settler state: the Canadian experience Michael Morden
19. Defense of democracy and the preservation of collective memory through criminal legislation: the challenges of reconciliation in Peru Salvador Herencia Carrasco
Epilogue: beyond ‘memory laws’: towards a general theory of law and historical discourse Eric Heinze


Uladzislau Belavusau, University of Amsterdam
Uladzislau Belavusau is Senior Researcher in European Law at the T. M. C. Asser Institute (the Hague), Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Polish Academy of Sciences
Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias is Senior Researcher in Human Rights at the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


Uladzislau Belavusau, Aleksandra Gliszcyńska-Grabias, Antoon De Baets, Marina Aksenova, Patricia Naftali, Maria Mälksoo, Paolo Lobba, Luigi Cajani, Ioanna Tourkochoriti, Alfons Aragoneses, Jiří Přibáň, Ieva Miluna, Cosmin Sebastian Cercel , Miklós Könczöl, Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz, Nikolay Koposov, Lina Klymenko, Robert A. Kahn, Jeremie Bracka, Michael Morden, Salvador Herencia Carrasco, Eric Heinze


Appel à propositions : Les droits humains au XXIe siècle

Les droits humains au XXIe siècle

Human rights in the 21st century


Revue « Communications » n° 104 (2019)

Communications journal issue 104 (2019)

*  *  *


Pour les besoins d’un numéro de la revue Communications sur le thème des droits humains, nous sollicitons des propositions d’articles inédits présentant et analysant les nouvelles luttes, aujourd’hui, pour le respect de ces droits. Comment, au XXIe siècle, dénoncer, documenter, combattre les violations des droits humains ? Qui sont les acteurs de ces combats ? Quel est leur impact ? On s’intéressera à la fois aux nouveaux agents, groupes, associations, pressions citoyennes, portant ces combats, aux formes de leurs interventions dans l’espace public et à la façon dont ils contribuent à une extension du périmètre de ces droits et à leur redéfinition juridique. Nous souhaitons des études concrètes. Une attention particulière sera accordée aux situations et expériences non européennes.


La Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme, adoptée le 10 décembre 1948, dont l’article premier stipule que « Tous les êtres humains naissent libres et égaux en dignité et en droits », affirme comme principe intangible à l’échelle de l’humanité tout entière le fait que la dignité (mentionnée en premier), les libertés et les droits fondamentaux sont inhérents à chaque être humain et inaliénables. Si cette Déclaration ne fait pas partie du droit international dit « contraignant » (c’est-à-dire d’application obligatoire), elle constitue un texte de référence qui a inspiré nombre de traités internationaux, eux légalement contraignants, relatifs aux droits de l’homme et à leur développement à l’échelle internationale.

Ces droits sont toutefois critiqués de diverses manières. Au nom d’une vision inégalitaire de l’humanité, le mépris pour les « droits-de-l’hommistes », selon une expression venue de l’extrême droite, reprend de la vigueur. Des pouvoirs non démocratiques les récusent en invoquant le relativisme culturel, comme en Chine où le discours officiel oppose l’« harmonie » d’inspiration confucéenne aux droits de l’homme, d’inspiration occidentale. Plus profondément, la notion philosophique, politique et juridique d’universalité fait l’objet de contestations et d’interrogations. Au nom de l’histoire, et notamment de l’histoire coloniale, ces droits, proclamés et exportés par un monde occidental qui ne les a pas respectés, sont dénoncés comme l’alibi d’un impérialisme culturel. L’universalisme abstrait, aveugle par principe aux différences, s’avère par là même aveugle aux discriminations et inégalités. D’où la question, sujette à polémiques, particulièrement en France (cf. les débats sur la parité ou les « statistiques ethniques » par exemple) : pour assurer l’égalité réelle des droits, ne faut-il pas assouplir l’universalité formelle du droit ?

Nul doute que ces droits sont inégalement garantis et que leurs violations sont innombrables. Ils ne sont ni la garantie d’un progrès inéluctable, ni une promesse illusoire. Ils doivent être en permanence repensés et leur extension comme leur universalisation dépendent avant tout des combats menés en leur nom. Nous considérons en effet, avec Danièle Lochak, que « les droits de l’homme ne sont pas un corps de principes gravés une fois pour toutes dans le marbre. Ils ont une histoire qui continue à s’écrire en fonction d’enjeux complexes et entremêlés : politiques, idéologiques et juridiques. » (Les Droits de l’homme, La Découverte, 2009). Prenant acte de cette histoire, nous préférons ici parler de droits humains. Ceux-ci sont confrontés à des défis nouveaux liés à la mondialisation. Et dans cette mondialisation, le phénomène des migrations est devenu central.

Pour les besoins d’un numéro de la revue Communications sur ce thème, nous sollicitons des propositions d’articles inédits présentant et analysant les nouvelles luttes, aujourd’hui, pour le respect des droits humains. Comment, au xxie siècle, dénoncer, documenter, combattre les violations des droits humains ? Qui sont les acteurs de ces combats ? Quel est leur impact ? On s’intéressera à la fois aux nouveaux agents, groupes, associations, pressions citoyennes, portant ces combats, aux formes de leurs interventions dans l’espace public et à la façon dont ils contribuent à une extension du périmètre de ces droits et à leur redéfinition juridique. Nous souhaitons des études concrètes. Une attention particulière sera accordée aux situations et expériences non européennes.

Conditions de soumission

Les propositions de contributions doivent être rédigées en français et comporter le nom de l’auteur, son affiliation professionnelle et son courriel.

Elles devront être envoyées, avec la mention « Droits humains » en objet du message, à


Date limite d’envoi des résumés courts (3000 signes) : 26 janvier 2018


Date de notification des réponses : 26 février 2018

Date limite de remise des textes (articles inédits de 30 000 signes maximum notes comprises) : 15 mai 2018

Date de parution du numéro : 2019

Conference Call: ‘Punishment: Negotiating Society’ Location: Halle (Saale) February 14, 2018

Conference Call
‘Punishment: Negotiating Society’
14 – 16 February, 2018
Venue: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle an der Saale, Germany
Deadline for abstract submission: 31 December, 2017

Confirmed keynote speaker:
Professor John Pratt: “The end of penal populism; the rise of political populism?”


REMEP is a multidisciplinary research school that examines the concepts of retaliation, mediation and punishment from different theoretical and methodological angles, with a focus on their role on peace and social order. This conference looks at the social context of punishment.
We start from the premise that punishment involves not only a handful of actors (i.e., members of the jurisdiction, perpetrators, victims, etc.) but a complex array of actors, including families, kin groups, and other polities that judge and punish; peers; associations; the audience(s) (including the media audience and the (mass) public); the punished (including, group-, surrogate- or proxy-punishment); and executive bodies such as states and private prison managements. We see punishment not only in the context of retaliation, deterrence, prevention, incapacitation and rehabilitation/retribution, but also as a reflection of society and as a constant negotiation of legitimacy, a renegotiation of social order and control. Populism, neoliberalism, misogyny, nationalism, and racism – to name just a few phenomena – are negotiated in the context of punishment.

This conference will be anchored around three key issues:

1. Theory, legitimacy and history of punishment

In this section, we propose to concentrate on the development of a coherent framework and theories of punishment in order to elaborate the semantics of punishment. Topics within this include the purposes of punishment in various legal systems and the historical shifts that punishment has undergone. We further seek theoretical contributions related to the informal, micro, local, national, international, and global influences on punishment policies and especially the challenges that emerge when these levels interact. Both historically and in the present, challenges can be observed especially at the fringes of normativities, it is here where legitimation is scrutinized. This occurs, for instance, in cases in which the perpetrator is also a victim, e.g. in the case of (former) child soldiers. A less obvious example are trials that shift venues from local to national or to the International Criminal Court, including changes of prisons and favourable prison conditions. This can culminate in the evasion of mundane punishment, replacing it with divine punishment by shifting the discourse from a legal to a religious one. Secular, domestic, familial, religious, cultural, and human rights discourses interact and demand for a more complex understanding of criminality and punishment. Furthermore, these interactions result in a need to find alternatives to criminal procedures that include restorative justice.

2. Media audiences, mass publics, and group punishment

The contested term “penal populism” is at the centre of a debate that questions the involvement of “the public” in the criminal justice systems, based on the argument that the presence of the public tends to encourage symbolic actions which disregard the proportionality principle in favour of populist gain. Since populism targets political success in elections, it potentially leads to preventive policies that are detrimental to minority groups, increasing the likelihood of punishment becoming a matter of living on the wrong side of the street or having the wrong passport. Such populist measures further reduce the use of risk prevention in the form of social programmes, instead giving preference to repressive measures. We are seeking to unravel the interaction of media, populists, and the public that is said to have weakened the principle of equality before the law; simultaneously, we propose to move away from this approach and analyse the justice system now and in the past as a tool of and for governing and for the creation of social order and the exertion of social control, benefitting some but not necessarily all.

3. Interdisciplinary approach to punishment

To ensure different approaches to punishment and critical perspectives on our law- and socialscience-based analysis, we especially invite scholars from other disciplines – for example, neuroscientists who are working on understanding the relation of the brain to punishment and behaviour and investigating changes in the frontal cortex that occur during and before acts of crime. Such research puts questions of free will, social control, deviant behaviour, and crime at the forefront. Further, we invite political economists who are studying the effects, benefits, and disadvantages of private prisons and home-confinement technologies and how these increase the likelihood of mass condemnations; and evolutionary anthropologists who include the evolutionary effects of punishment in their studies. Speakers will be invited by the organizers on the basis of submitted abstracts. PhD students within the REMEP program are encouraged to submit an abstract.

Speakers will be invited by the organizers on the basis of submitted abstracts. For invited speakers travel- and acommodation costs will be covered (economy fares). PhD students within the REMEP program are encouraged to submit an abstract. Abstracts should not exceed 500 words and should be submitted to Timm Sureau () and Günther Schlee () by December 31, 2017. Further questions should be directed to the coordinator Timm Sureau. A selection from submitted abstracts will be made by early January 2018.

Call as pdf

Article : Magistrature et domination étrangère. Réflexions d’anthropologie juridique sur trois cas belges

Derk Venema

Magistrature et domination étrangère. Réflexions d’anthropologie juridique sur trois cas belges

Article publié dans les C@hiers du CRHIDI, vol. 40 – 2017, “Un corps de l’État à l’heure des Big Data. Prosopographie et histoire judiciaire :  les magistrats belges et coloniaux 1795-1962″.


Ce texte reprend les contributions qui précèdent et les analyse sous l’angle de l’anthropologie juridique. Ces contributions ont en effet en commun d’étudier la magistrature dans un contexte politique marqué par la domination étrangère. Ce texte revient d’abord sur le concept sociologique de domination étrangère avant de traiter, dans une perspective anthropologique, de certains comportements des juges souvent délaissés car considérés comme irrationnels ou négligés car ne relevant pas de la recherche prosopographique traditionnelle.


Ethnologie française 2018, n° 1 (Justices ultramarines)

Présentation de l’éditeur


La question des spécificités locales et culturelles intervient-elle dans le fonctionnement de la justice française ? Ce dossier ouvre le débat à partir du cas des populations « indigènes » de l’Outre-mer contemporain – Amérindiens et Noirs marrons de Guyane, Mahorais de Mayotte, Kanak de Nouvelle-Calédonie, insulaires de Polynésie et de Wallis-et-Futuna.
Les différents travaux rassemblés ici privilégient la méthode ethnographique pour saisir « sur le vif » la manière dont l’État français tente au quotidien de prendre en charge et d’administrer la diversité culturelle et locale dans ces contextes (post)coloniaux variés. Huit des onze articles du dossier décrivent ainsi des situations contemporaines singulières de confrontation et d’interaction entre agents du système judiciaire et justiciables originaires de ces cinq collectivités.
Les trois derniers articles offrent vis-à-vis de ces justices ultramarines des points de comparaison historiques – sur la trajectoire du droit colonial dans l’empire français – et géographiques – d’une part sur la justice familiale en France métropolitaine, d’autre part sur le traitement des justiciables autochtones mapuche par l’appareil judiciaire au Chili.



Editeurs invités : Natacha Gagné, Stéphanie Guyon et Benoît Trépied

Introduction. Cultures à la barre. Regards croisés sur la justice civile outre-mer
Natacha Gagné, Stéphanie Guyon et Benoît Trépied

Coutume et citoyenneté, des colonies aux collectivités d’outre-mer. Le point de vue du droit
Yerri Urban

Que faire des cadis de la République ? Enquête sur la reconfiguration de l’institution cadiale à Mayotte
Myriam Hachimi-Alaoui et Élise Lemercier

Les familles face au nouveau droit local à Mayotte. Continuité, adaptation et redéfinition des pratiques
Sophie Blanchy

Le sang, le nom, la coutume. Controverses judiciaires sur la paternité kanak en Nouvelle-Calédonie
Benoît Trépied

Genre, justice et indemnisation des victimes de statut coutumier kanak
Christine Salomon

Droit coutumier et loi républicaine dans une collectivité d’outre-mer française (Wallis-et-Futuna)
Françoise Douaire-Marsaudon

Ethnographie de l’État aux confins de la République. Le dispositif de l’audience et la justice foraine en Polynésie française
Natacha Gagné

Passer devant le juge aux affaires familiales ? Intermédiaires de la justice et alternatives au tribunal à Saint-Laurent du Maroni (Guyane)
Stéphanie Guyon

« La carte n’est pas le territoire » ! Coutume, droit et nationalité plurielle en Guyane
Catherine Benoît

« Faut s’adapter aux cultures, Maître ! » La racialisation des publics de la justice familiale en France métropolitaine
Céline Bessière, Émilie Biland, Abigail Bourguignon, Sibylle Gollac, Muriel Mille et Hélène Steinmetz

Juridicité autochtone et différence culturelle. Quand les juges débattent de la culture dans des affaires de violences familiales en contexte communautaire mapuche (Chili)
Fabien Le Bonniec



Le mariage entre le passé et le présent dans les sociétés dans les sociétés d’Afrique du Nord-Sahara [une conférence présentée par Tassadit Yacine]Pierre Bourdieu


Lectures sur le thème

Ethnologie française , Vol. 157 , 192 pages.  24€

Dr Emilie Cloatre : Law, Knowledges and the Making of ‘Modern Healthcare’

Dr Emilie Cloatre‘s 5-year Wellcome Investigator Award (2017-2022) aims to explore the regulation of traditional and alternative medicines, using case studies from Europe and Africa: France and England; Ghana and Senegal; Mauritius and La Reunion.

This 5-year Wellcome Investigator Award (2017-2022) aims to explore the regulation of traditional and alternative medicines, in Europe and Africa. It will interrogate both the historical and socio-cultural context of current regulatory systems, and their effects on local practices.

As millions worldwide rely on traditional and alternative medicines for their everyday healthcare, the question of how to regulate such practices is high on policy agendas. Such regulation engages fundamental issues, including: the balancing of patient safety and autonomy of choice; the conciliation of traditional cultural practices with the demands of modern medical standards; social justice and access to health; the socio-cultural and postcolonial shaping of medicine. However, we lack evidence of the relative benefits, limitations and effects of particular regulatory frameworks on such policy concerns.

This project aims to address this pressing gap in knowledge. It will do so through a socio-legal exploration of the regulation of traditional and alternative medicines in two regions where policy conversations have been particularly intense, and current regulatory systems remarkably varied (Europe and Africa). The project’s key goals are to: critically assess the effects of contrasting regulatory frameworks on traditional and alternative medical practices, and their position in public health systems; consider how regulation can address the challenges raised by traditional and alternative medicines in a fair, effective and sustainable manner; and foster new conversations across academia and policy on relevant experiences, strategies and ways-forward.

The project will focus strategically on six case studies in Europe and Africa, organized in three sub-regional strands, that illustrate most vividly key policy-debates while giving significant scope for addressing broader conceptual questions: France and England; Ghana and Senegal; Mauritius and La Reunion.

To know more :