call for writing-up fellowships at the Department “Law & Anthropology” at the Max planck institute for Social Anthropology in Halle

Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

The Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology is one of the leading centres for research in socialanthropology. Common to all research projects at the Max Planck Institute is the comparative analysis of social change; it is primarily in this domain that its researchers contribute to anthropological theory, though many programmes also have applied significance and political topicality.

The Law & Anthropology Department invites applications for Dissertation writing-up fellowships


One of the aims of the Law & Anthropology Department is to offer a stimulating interdisciplinary forum whereboth anthropologists and lawyers can engage with one another and conduct cutting-edge, policy-relevant research linked to the intensification of exchanges and encounters among and between societies, communities and cultures in today’s world. This calls for an in-depth assessment of the ways in which different normative orders and systems of morality coexist at various levels of decision-making.

The Law & Anthropology Department offers writing-up fellowships to enable doctoral candidates in the final stage of their programme to spend up to 6 months at the Institute to take advantage of its resources while finalizing their dissertations. The topic must be of immediate relevance to the Department’s research programme (see: The fellow must be prepared to participate in the activities of the Department during the fellowship period, and is expected to submit a working paper that addresses the topic of his or her research. A presentation of the doctoral research will be included in the Department’s seminar series.

A clear understanding must be reached in advance between the Director of the Department and the candidate’s principal supervisor regarding how the candidate can take fullest advantage of this period and how the home university and the Max Planck Institute can collaborate in the best interests of the candidate and of both institutions.

The writing-up fellowships can begin either in September 2019 or January 2020. The grants will be awarded for a period of 3 – 6 months. The Institute provides successful candidates with a monthly living stipend that is not taxable and is free of social security obligations.

The Max Planck Society is committed to an equal opportunity policy.

Application procedure

Applicants are asked to submit the following materials:

– cover letter;
– curriculum vitae;
– writing sample (chapter of the PhD dissertation);
– 1-2 page summary of the PhD work;
– photocopies of university degrees and transcripts;
– a letter of recommendation from the principal supervisor confirming that the applicant is in a position to complete the doctoral manuscript within the 3- to 6-month period (to be sent directly to the Department at

Please submit your application materials electronically by 30 April 2019 by following the link for vacancies onour homepage (under ‘Career’), or by going directly to the online application form using the link below.

If you have further questions regarding the application procedure, please contact:
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Personnel Administration
Janka Diallo (

We look forward to receiving your completed online application under https://recruitingapp .

Further information on the research agenda of the Max Planck Institute is availableon our website:

Table-ronde “Lecture de … Le droit dans les sociétés humaines, Louis Assier-Andrieu”, vendredi 19 avril 2019, Centre Panthéon

Le vendredi 19 avril 2019, de 13h30 à 18h,

Centre Panthéon, 12 place du Panthéon, Aile Soufflot – Salle 1

Pierre Bonin et Pierre Brunet, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, IRJS, Soazick Kerneis, Université Paris Nanterre, CHAD

organisent une table-ronde 

Lectures deLe droit dans les sociétés humaines

de Louis Assier-Andrieu, Paris, Nathan, 1996

Participeront à cette table-ronde : 

  • Boris Bernabé, Université Paris-Sud, DSR
  • Anne-Sophie Chambost, Université Jean Monnet (Saint-Etienne), CERCRID
  • Jacques Commaille, ENS Cachan, ISP
  • Albane Geslin, Sciences Po Aix, UMR DICE
  • Eugénie Mérieau, University of Göttingen, Alexander von Humboldt Chair of Comparative Constitutionalism
  • Laetitia Guerlain, Université de Bordeaux, CRM-CAHD
  • Pascal Texier, Université de Limoges, OMIJ

Avec le concours de la  

Conférence de Laetitia Guerlain “Droit et Anthropologie dans la France des XIXe et XXe siècles. Un programme de recherches” (Rennes, 14 mars 2019)

Dans le cadre des Rencontres de l’IODE. Séminaire interdisciplinaire sur et autour du droit. Jeudi 14 mars 2019, à 12h30, en salle 10.

Cette conférence sera l’occasion de découvrir les rapports qu’entretient la discipline juridique avec les autres sciences humaines et sociales. Plus précisément, dans une perspective historique, elle présentera les interactions anciennes qui ont pu concourir à rapprocher l’anthropologie et le droit.

More information :

CALL FOR PAPERS: Law in Context Early Career Workshop, 17-18 September 2019

The International Journal of Law in Context and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford jointly invite early career scholars to participate in a workshop to be held in Oxford, September 17-18, 2019. The purpose of this international workshop is to bring together scholars at a relatively early stage in their careers to support them in developing research projects and preparing publications to submit to scholarly journals in the field of socio-legal studies. 

During the workshop scholars will make a presentation, take part in discussion, and receive feedback on their work from senior research staff at the Centre and the editorial team of the Journal. The best papers presented at the workshop will be considered for publication in the International Journal of Law in Context.

The deadline for applications is 10 July 2019.

To be eligible to apply, the submission of a doctoral thesis is expected in 2019. Applications from inside and outside the UK are welcome. The ten best submissions will be selected and applicants will be invited to the workshop.
To make an application you should send a 1500-word extended abstract together with a cover letter with your name and contact information, details about your place of study or work, and the date of your expected or past doctoral submission. Abstracts may be on any contextual work dealing with law and its relationship with other social science disciplines.

Please send applications to Katie Hayward,

Meals and accommodation for one night in Oxford will be provided by the organisers. We expect that participants will pay for their own travel expenses.

Journée d’études Ethnographie et droit : pour une place renouvelée des enquêtes de terrain dans la connaissance du droit et de la justice en Belgique ?

12 MARS 2019

Depuis quelques décennies, le recours aux enquêtes ethnographiques dans les champs de recherche situés au croisement du droit et des sciences sociales s’est considérablement développé et affermi. La Belgique francophone n’échappe pas à cette tendance perceptible dans différentes traditions de recherche nationales et disciplinaires. Toutefois, l’intérêt que suscite cette méthode n’y fait que peu l’objet de réflexion systématique. Ce relatif manque de relais et de dialogue au sein de la recherche belge francophone contraste avec le dynamisme des travaux sociojuridiques français développés notamment au sein de l’EHESS (séminaire 2018-2019) et dans des publications récentes (Dupret et Colemans 2018).

Partant de ce constat, l’objectif de cette journée d’étude vise à confronter les jalons d’une réflexion en voie de systématisation dans le champ français à l’épreuve de terrains menés en tout ou en partie en Belgique francophone et qui rendent compte des pratiques du droit et de la justice. Il s’agira de mettre en évidence les éclairages qu’offrent les travaux de chercheuses et chercheurs menant des enquêtes ethnographiques auprès de professionnels du droit, de la justice et de l’administration en Belgique pour souligner leurs apports concrets et décloisonnés aux questions théoriques et méthodologiques qui continuent de traverser les rapports entre sciences sociales et droit. 

La journée d’étude sera introduite par Baudouin Dupret, une des figures majeures du développement de cette réflexion en France, et sera ensuite ponctuée par les présentations et la discussion du rôle et de la nature des projets ethnographiques dans des travaux qui interrogent tous d’une manière ou d’une autre le droit et la justice belge en contexte.


9 :00 accueil 

9:30 Baudouin Dupret (Directeur de recherches CNRS, LAM, professeur invite de la MSH)   Introduction  

10:00 Julie Colemans (Ingénieure de recherche, Université de Liège) présentation (25 min) et discussion (20 minutes) « La manifestation et la prise en compte des émotions dans les tribunaux de la famille et du travail » (titre à confirmer) 

10: 45: Sophie Andreetta(postdoctorante Max Planck Institut Halle – Université de Liège)  présentation (25 min) et discussion (20 minutes) « La notion de dignité humaine dans les décisions des CPAS et des tribunaux du travail en matière d’aide sociale pour les demandeurs d’asile » (titre à confirmer

11:30 Carla Nagels(Professeure à l’ULB)  présentation (25 min) et discussion (20 minutes) « Quand la partition écrite par le droit pénal est parfaitement jouée : observer les entreprises face au pénal »

12 :15- 15 :00 Lunch

14:00 Anne Wyvekens(Directrice de recherches CNRS – ISP Saclay)présentation (25 min) et discussion (20 minutes) « Justice pénale et « diversité » : ethnographier la «  défense culturelle »

14:45 Olivier Struelens(Doctorant UCL) présentation (25 min) et discussion (20 minutes) “La pratique des juges en charge des déplacements illicites d’enfants : la transnationalisation du droit familial entre confiance interpersonnelle et institutionnelle” 

15: 30 MaïtéMaskens(Chargée de cours ULB) présentation (25 min) et discussion (20 minutes) « Les standards de l’amour transnational dans le traitement des dossiers de suspicions de mariages frauduleux par les agents communaux belges » (titre à confirmer)

16:15 Conclusion 

Informations pratiques

La journée d’étude se déroule de 9:00 (accueil et café) à 16:30.

Le déjeuner est inclus si vous êtes inscrits.


Plus d’informations: 

Barbara Truffin

+ 32 (02) 650.36.13


Institut de Sociologie, Salle Henri Janne  (15èmeétage)

Av. Jeanne 58-60
1050 Bruxelles

African Legal History Symposium

CALL FOR PAPERS: African Legal History Symposium

Co-conveners: Erin Braatz, Suffolk University Law School; Trina Hogg, Oregon State University; Elizabeth Thornberry, Johns Hopkins University; Charlotte Walker-Said, CUNY-John Jay College

Fortuitously, the 2019 annual meetings of the African Studies Association and the American Society for Legal History will both take place November 21-23 in Boston. In hopes of sparking a more sustained engagement across these two fields, and marking what we see as an inflection point in scholarship on African legal history, we invite paper proposals for an African Legal History preconference symposium, to be held in Boston on November 21, 2019. The symposium will be hosted by the American Society for Legal History in coordination with the African Studies Association, with sponsorship from the Suffolk University Law School.

We seek papers in the field of African legal history, broadly construed, and are particularly excited about papers that extend the insights of established scholarship, with its focus on customary law, in new directions. We encourage paper and panel proposals on law in Africa in the pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial periods, British, French, Islamic, Lusophone, and indigenous African traditions, and on all types of law (family, criminal, property, constitutional, business, customary, imperial, pluralist, international, etc.) Papers may focus on any region of the continent (including North Africa and the island territories).

Please email abstracts for proposed papers to, with “African Legal History Symposium” in the subject line, by 5 April 2019. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words in length. Full papers to be presented at the symposium will be due by November 1, 2019, for circulation to all participants. Limited funding will be available to assist with the costs of travel. Funding priority will be given to scholars based on the African continent, graduate students, adjunct instructors, and scholars who do not have access to research funding through other sources.

We encourage symposium participants to consider submitting proposals directly to the ASA and ASLH as well, for inclusion in the main program of those conferences.

Cultural expertise and socio-legal studies : Special issue of Studies in law, politics and society, vol. 78, 2019

This special issue of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society aims to foster a dialogue that is inclusive, constructive, and innovative in order to lay the basis for evaluating the usefulness and impact of cultural expertise in modern litigation. It investigates the scope of cultural expertise as a new socio-legal concept that broadly concerns the use of social sciences in connection with rights and the solution of conflicts. While the definition of cultural expertise is new, the conflicts it applies to are not, and these range from criminal law to civil law, including international human rights. In this special issue, socio-legal scientists with interdisciplinary backgrounds scrutinize the applicability of the notion of cultural expertise in Europe and the rest of the World. Cases include murder, female genital mutilation, earthquake claims, Islamic law, underage marriages, child custody, adoption, land rights, and asylum. The authors debate on a variety of themes, such as legal pluralism, ethnicity, causal determinism, reification of culture, and the “culturalization” of defendants. The volume concludes with an overview of the ethical implications of the definition of cultural expertise and suggestions for a way forward.

Introduction; Livia Holden

Part I. Cultural Expertise with(out) Cultural Experts

From Invisible to Visible: Locating Cultural Expertise in the Law Courts of Two Finnish Cities; Taina Cooke

Cultural Expertise in Italian Courts: Contexts, Cases and Issues; Antonello Ciccozzi and Giorgia Decarli

Part II. Sites of Cultural Expertise

Assessing Cultural Expertise in Portugal: Challenges and Opportunities; João Teixeira Lopes, Anabela Leão and Ligia Ferro

Cultural Expertise in Asylum Granting Procedure in Greece: Evaluating the Experiences and the Prospects; Helen Rethimiotaki

Part III. Comparative Perspectives on Cultural Expertise

Court Cases, Cultural Expertise, and FGM in Europe; Ruth Mestre and Sara Johnsdotter

Between Norms, Facts and Stereotypes: The Place of Culture and Ethnicity in Belgian and French Family Justice; Caroline Simon, Barbara Truffin and Anne Wyvekens

Part IV. Cultural Expertise in Non-European Contexts

Cultural Expertise in Australia: Colonial Laws, Customs, and Emergent Legal Pluralism; Ann Black

The Role and Use of Cultural Expertise in Litigation in South Africa. Can the Western World Learn Anything from a Mixed, Pluralistic Legal System? Christa Rautenbach

Part V. Suggestions for a Way Forward

Beyond Cultural Expert Witnessing: Toward an Integrated Definition of Cultural Expertise; Livia Holden

Format:Hardback ISBN:9781787695160
Published:28 Feb 2019
Publisher:Emerald Publishing
LimitedDimensions:216 pages – 152 x 229mm
Series:Studies in Law, Politics, and Society

Publisher’s website :